Osgoode Alumni Awards - Nomination Form

Osgoode Alumni Awards - Nomination Form

These awards honour alumni for contributions to the profession, Law School and legal community:

Gold Key (Lifetime Achievement) This award recognizes individuals who have set a high standard of professional accomplishment, leadership, and community service. This is open to all Osgoode graduates who have distinguished themselves in their field.

Gold Key (Distinction) This award recognizes the outstanding mid-career achievements of Osgoode graduates whose skill and talent in the practice of law, business, or other areas have made significant contributions to their field.

Gold Key (One-to-Watch) This award is given to an individual who has graduated from the JD program within the last 10 years, whose endeavours in the practice of law, government service, business, legal academe, or other areas demonstrate exceptional promise.

Gold Key (Public Sector) This award recognizes the achievements, outstanding service, and contributions by a public sector employee. Candidates may include lawyers who work in the traditional three levels of government, universities, professionally regulated bodies, law firms that advise public sector organizations and other organizations that govern the public interest.

Gold Key (Service) This award recognizes the significant contributions of Osgoode graduates to the Law School. Candidates will have demonstrated leadership and commitment through activities such as the Alumni Board of Directors, the Mentor Program, fundraising, teaching or other activities that advance of the Law School’s objectives or goals.

Dianne Martin Medal for Social Justice Through Law This medal is awarded annually to a member of the Canadian legal community who has exemplified Dianne Martin’s commitment to law as an instrument for achieving social justice and fairness.


Please provide a detailed letter that describes how the applicant/nominee meets the criteria of the particular award. Additional documents such as a Curriculum Vitae or letters of support may be submitted.

If you have any questions about the awards or the nomination process, please email the Alumni Office at alumni@osgoode.yorku.ca

Deadline for nominations: MARCH 1